Chapter 459: Elemental Elf Queen’s Answer (1)

Soon, the airdrop boxes in the sky slowly descended and landed on the ground.

Ren Qi looked at the airdrop boxes that had landed in his territory, and his eyes flickered.

There were many airdrop boxes that had landed this time, but most of them were airdrop boxes in each territory. Some of them hadn't even landed.

It was already good enough to have two airdrop boxes.

However, there were twelve airdrop boxes that landed in Ren Qi's territory!

Looking at the twelve airdrop boxes that were arranged by Elise on the ground, Ren Qi's eyes flickered slightly.

Although he didn't know what was inside the airdrop boxes, the twelve airdrop boxes were enough to prove the importance that the outside world attached to him.

At this moment, the messages in the private chat group also flooded out.

Xuan Ming: "My territory got four airdrop boxes. How many do you all have?"

Tian Jizi: "Haha, I Have five airdrop boxes. I have more than you!"