Chapter 471: The Spatial Rift Opens. Race Against Time (2)

"What are they trying to do at this time? They've made such a big commotion."

"Yeah, could it be that they know that we've torn open the spatial rift and are trying to do something?"

"That shouldn't be possible, right? With so few of us here, how could the news be leaked? They must be doing something else!"

While the surrounding invading lords were discussing, Li Fuqing's eyes suddenly shrunk.

"Not good! Those new lords are trying to break through the black fog above!"

Li Fuqing's expression became a little ugly when he saw that many cracks had begun to appear above the black fog.

The surrounding invading lords were also slightly startled when they heard this. After which, their gazes landed on the black fog above.

The expressions of these invading lords became extremely ugly when they saw the cracks continuously appearing on the black fog.