Betrayal (Pt.6)

Jorgen is hidden in the shadows of the dark tunnel. A faint illumination appears on his face from the torch that Alaric holds. Siegfried has just arrived with Lucian, and Alaric has sealed the tunnel behind them. As Alaric leads Siegfried to the front of the group and guides the group through the tunnel. Jorgen stays towards the rear, not wishing for his presence to be exposed just yet. 

Karlisle's letter appears in Jorgen's mind.

'No Survivors.'

'How am I supposed to stop all of these people from escaping?' 

Jorgen takes a look at the tunnel while the gears of his intellect turn.

'Harald created this tunnel system after we returned from Cevan, 10 years ago. So Karlisle has no idea it exists. If I remember correctly, he made it using Earthen magic and did so alone. Only a few people know about its existence. It's decayed over the years. Last time I checked, it only has one route remaining.'