Nearly There. (Pt.2)

"Crunch. Crunch. Snap."

The group makes their way through the mist, twigs, and branches, snapping beneath their feet as they stumble along. Most of them can barely see a few feet from their face. They follow the person in front of them blindly. Still, none of them stray from eachother as Alaric makes sure to keep the group close together and near to his lead. Unlike the others, Lucian's enhanced perception allows him to sense the area around him, giving him a better feel for his surroundings. His feet perceive the motions of the others and the small creatures that scurry past his toes.

'I wonder what the average human's perception would be if they all had systems, like me. I'd imagine my perception is higher than almost everyone here. Though, I don't really know because, in terms of strength, there are so many people who are stronger.'

Lucian remembers the tags the system placed on the bear he faced.