" What's this?" I asked as I picked up the envelope she had put Infront of me," That's my wedding invitation." she replied bluntly," Is this some kind of joke..I just missed an anniversary celebration and I have apologised to you for over weeks now..and you agree to have dinner with me not to patch things up but to flaunt the fact that you are getting married in my face...!" I exclaimed, she stood across of me and I could see nothing but coldness in her eyes," Look of this is a joke then we can stop it right here." I said as she smirked and stared back at me," It's not a joke..unlike you Iam not well versed with acting so I don't know when or how to pretend iam interested when iam not." she said, every word that came from her mouth sting me right in the heart," What do you mean..this can't be about missing our anniversaries date...what's wrong..what's happening to you I can fix it all." I asked," Iam suffocated Jiang Hao, I thought that I would get used to this whole us dating process and I tried alot too but I just couldn't get into it..iam sorry." she added as I looked at her with disbelief," No..." I said as I stood up from my seat," There has to be a reason..." I said as I went to grab her hands and try to soothe her into telling me how she made this decision," Let go of me." she said as I shook my head in disapproval," Let me go!" she yelled as she slapped me across the face," You want a reason..then I'll give it to you..I agree it must have been locked be for the first couple of years, and I agree I saw a future for the both of us but later I realised that I had no future with you and trust me it isn't because of your career it's everything about are not the type of man I want to spend the rest of my life first it was love and later our relationship started to feel like a chore and not just any other chore but one I hated doing but had to force myself to do..." she said as every word broke my heart into pieces," Iam sorry and thankful for what I have gotten from us being together but I needed to end this before I started a relationship with my soon to be husband." she added as she angrily picked up her purse and left, I didnt even have the energy to turn around and look at her leave...I sat back in my chair and threw my head in my palms and cried my heart out...I've acted in many dramas that had break up scenes but this and this was the first time in years that I have ever really gotten my heart plucked out and stomped on.

As a famous figure, there are things Iam expected to draw a line on, there are ways iam supposed to act even if those don't describe the real me in the slightest but in this fake world and fake image the world was built to see, she saw the real me, she was everything to me..she cheered me up with just a few words and a kiss on my cheek, she knew exactly when I felt comfortable and when I didn't feel comfortable, she loved me untill she didn't anymore.

We had been in a relationship for over five years, I was going to propose to her and make our relationship public, I also wished to have public dates with her the kind we can get to enjoy without having to explain ourselves to the world and my fans later on, I wanted to go to a trip with her I wanted to have late night walks with her, try out stall food with her regardless of how I felt it was a bit unhealthy all in all I just wanted to make my girl happy..but I guess she was already feeling really suffocated by our relationship and just chose to play along.



" Excuse me sir?" Called out someone as I sipped on my glass of wine and watched the rest have fun," Iam sorry for disturbing you sir but the girl you claimed to come with has gotten into a fight with someone." he said as It took me sometime to wrap my head around what he really meant," Girl?" I asked my self as I recalled the girl from earlier," me the way." I said as I followed behind the guard only to find her with a glass in her hand and the other person having wine all over their face," What do you think of yourself, I just asked you for a dance and you threw wine on my face." the man said," What do you mean by ask, you literally were forcing your self on me and taking advantage of the fact that I had a few drinks...I think instead of wine I should have thrown this glass on your face." she replied as the man got angry and turned to slap her when I intervened and got the slap my self.." Isn't that Jiang Hao?" the crowd murmured as I realised that I had my face exposed to I had to grab her by the hand and headed out," It really is Jiang Hao." the crowd continued as we ran away," Yahh...can we stop running first I think I want to throw up." the girl said as we reached the parking lot.." What did you think you were doing in there..what of you for your self hurt." I asked anxiously," What's wrong? why aren't you replying to me?" I said as I tapped her shoulder," Hello.." I called out as she turned and threw up all over my shirt," Come on.." I complained," Iam sorry.." she said as she wiped her mouth," Iam sorry for everything..." she added as she threw up again.



I didn't know anything about her and she didn't seem in her right frame of mind so I asked my assistant to drive us to a hotel where she would sleep for the night and probably go home after she sobbered up," Here...I've already checked you in." he said as he handed me the hotel key," Help me with her." I said as we both dragged her upstairs," Why isn't she as carriable as she looks?" I asked my self as we proceeded to help her climb up the bed ," Have you called for a house manager..female preferably." I asked," Yes they will be hear in a few minutes.." he replied," I'll go and take a shower in the other room..wait outside untill the house manager comes in." I added as I left.



" That's more like it." I said as I dried my hair after taking a shower,I checked my phone and there was a message from my assistant telling me that the house manager had arrived and helped the woman out," Okay thank you for your hard work." I replied as I stared around and proceeded to bed.


