" What can I get you?" Ai man asked as I sat across from her in her office, I had no idea why she called to meet," Iam good thanks." I replied as she got to the point " Well iam here to talk to you about the variety show." she said as I carefully listened," Would you like to do it?" she asked and before I could give a reply," You will be compensated..." she added as I kept quiet and thought to my self.." Well I haven't really thought about it...but I'll give you my reply soon." I said," Hope to hear from you soon." she replied as I found my way of the office.



I had received a call from my mom's nurse that asked me to go and clear off her monthly bills...and also to check on how she was doing, I tend to minimise my visits because I was told they mess with her thoughts and could actually cause a problem so I only see her a few times a month but make sure she receives the best care.." Here you go." said the nurse as she handed me my receipt.." Is the head nurse around?" I asked as they escorted me to her office," Hello." I said as I sat down," Had you come to check on your mom?" she asked," Yes and to pay off her bills." I added as she showed me her file," You mom has been responding to this medicine can see her answering questions normally.." she said as I cheerfully looked through the file," But this medication costs alot...and that's what I wanted to inform you about." she said as I listened quietly," The first doses were a test so they will not be accounted for but if you agree that we keep using this medication then you must pay a little bit more...than you have been doing." she added, I asked to meet my mom before making the decision and when I did..she really did call out my name this time round..I wasn't sure if it was the medicine or a coincidence but my mom remembering who I was and not the younger version of new was satisfying," So what do you think" the head nurse asked as I agreed with the medication and even signed a consent form," Thank you so much..we shall be keeping touch." she said as I said good bye to my mom and left.



My living expenses have never really been a burden since my cafe can cover for some and also because we used to share the rent with mom's medical bills have always taken a large percentage on my salary,and now that they have upgraded her medication, I needed to cut down my expenses and even try to find some other work aside from the cafe and that's when I recalled the Variety show...Ai man had promised to compensate me.

I gave her a call and negotiated the terms with her and also talked about my compensation with her..." Thank you for considering this." she replied as I hang up," Fingers crossed this will work out." I thought to my self as I went back to serving my customers at the cafe.



" You are now well versed with the Street fighting will be able to land this role." Uncle Fei complimented me as I slightly bowed to show him my appreciation,I started feeling dizzy too so I took a step back and held my head in my palms," Are you okay?" he asked as I tried to tell him I was fine.." I'll call Eric.." he said as he held out his phone, I was definetly not okay and I was feeling a bit dizzy," Okay hurry.." he said before he hang up.

The next thing I knew was Eric coming over and taking me to the hospital where I was immediately put on an IV," He will be fine after two more of these..he was feeling dizzy because he has been overworking him self and also hasn't had much to eat or sleep." he explained as Eric glared back at me," Let him have some rest..he'll be okay soon." the Doctor added as he left," Seriously..." Eric said as he came and sat besides me," I understand the pressure this role has on you but you shouldn't forget that your life is precious too." he said angrily," I'll go and tell Manager Ai man what happened...some one will be here soon with your meals." he added," Make sure you eat them." he emphasized as he left...the audition was in three days from now and I wasn't sure if I had done enough to land the role as yet..I looked around the plane walled hospital and leaned back against the wall.

I eventually woke up to a really nice aroma and when I opened my eyes, Sang Yi was standing besides me unpacking some dishes," Have you woken up?" she asked as she came to check up on me," I was told that the medication was going to make you weak so I bought over some meals for you..Nanny lee prepared these with alot of care." she added as I tried to get up but couldn't," I'll help you." she said as she walked up close to me and wrap her hand around my arm to help to help me get up," Thats it.." she said as she pulled out the table for me and laid all the dishes on it.." Here.." she said as she handed me the chop sticks," Have something to eat." she added as she sat besides me, I looked at all the dishes and decided to start with the few that looked good in comparison to the rest," How is it?" she asked after I tasted the vegetable dish," It's really good." I replied as she smiled softly," Do you want to have some?" I asked as she immediately denied," I've already had my fill." she said as I continued to have my meal.

She continued to take care of me throughout the day and it felt good just watching her walk across the room," Eric can't make it I'll be staying over to keep you company for the night." she said," What do you mean keep me company...I can be by myself tonight.." I replied as she immediately denied," We don't know what can happen in the night without some one to watch over you, I have already asked Nanny lee to give my personal items to Alia..she'll be here with them soon, I'll sleep on that empty bed next to you." she explained as I quietly watched her.." You should go and have some rest..I'll go and get some warm water." she added as she picked up a thermos and left," Why is she so adamant?" I asked my self as I subconsciously smiled to my self.



The next morning, I woke up and noticed that she was sleeping without properly covering her self," Isn't she cold?" I asked my self as I woke up to help her out, After covering her I noticed how peaceful and pretty she looked while she was sleeping and I couldn't help just stare at her while smiling..." Good morning Mr Jiang.." said Eric as he walked into the ward room making Sang Yi wake up and almost caught me staring at her.." Good morning.." I said as I turned and glared at him," Why are you here so early in the morning?" I asked," I came to check up on how you are...incase you didn't listen to Mrs Sang Yi." he said as I sat back down," What would make you think that I wouldn't listen to my own wife..?" I asked as I thought about what I said..I called her my wife..which she is but why did it suddenly feel so close and intimate, I stared back at her to see if she didn't feel uncomfortable with my statement...but I noticed she was making the bed quietly so maybe she didn't hear..or maybe she didn't care..but why would she care..." Are you okay?" Eric asked as I glared at him, leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes.


