After the audition which iam not sure went well neither iam I sure it didn't, I went out for a drink with Eric, he rarely is in the mood to drink especially with me with the whole employer- employee restrictions..but this time he said yes immediately," Are you not going to talk about the audition?" he asked as he handed me my glass of beer," I don't want to to jinx it." I replied as he sat down opposite me," Is their any special occasion today..?" I asked," Why..?" he replied," Well you having a drink with me and I didn't have to plead with you.." I replied as he smiled and sipped on his glass," Well I figured you might need a drink and some one to talk too...after the audition." he replied as I felt moved by his words," So since the audition is complete...Ai man asked you to prepare for the variety show." he added," I told her that I can only participate if she convinces Sang Yi to do so." I replied as I put down my drink in shock," Wait..did!" I exclaimed," Well then..I have no say in the matter." I replied as we continued drinking..." Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked as he smiled," Well..I won't say you have become different because clearly you haven't but as some one who pays close attention to you..I see how you stare at Mrs Sang Yi..." he replied," What do you mean?" I asked awkwardly as I started taking big sips on my beer," Well that's up to you to find out." he replied as he stood up," I'll go and use the washroom." he added as he left...what he said left me with alot to think about..did I really stare at her differently or was he mistaken..." What iam I thinking of...?" I thought to my self as I snapped out of my thoughts.



While at home, I was watching a game on tv but then my eyes moved to the kitchen where Sang Yi and Nanny lee were preparing dinner, she was giggling and they seemed to be talking about something interesting...and that when I did notice that I subconsciously stare at her quite alot," Dinner is ready.." Nanny lee said as he woke me up from my thoughts," Right...iam coming." I replied as I cleared my thought and left for the dinning table.



After dinner I had no sleep so I just sat outside and stared at the sky..for some reason it seemed really peaceful," Why are you here alone?" Sang Yi asked as she sat down next to me," It's nothing.." I replied as I noticed the two cans of beer," Do you want some?" she asked as I immediately agreed," How was the audition?" she asked," It was fine..I think." I replied as I opened my can and splashed over me," Sorry..I must have shook it while bringing it here." she said as I wiped my face.." it's okay.." I added as we both sighed and stared at the sky.." This feels peaceful.." I said," The night the sky the beer and all feels peaceful." I added as I turned and stared at her.." Why are you looking at me like that..I've gotten used to your company.." I added as she kept quiet and listened to me.." Uhhmmm Eric told me you said yes to the variety show." I said as I tried to change the conversation because she seemed awkward," I did...I figured it would be good for your reputation and popularity..and I still feel quite thankful to you since that night you helped me out." she said as I turned and stared at her," That was nothing..any one would have done that.." I replied," Well but iam glad it was you..." she said as I felt my heart beating really fast..." Well..." I said as we both burst into laughter," I can't be drunk from one can.." I added as I stood up and stretched...." Do you want more..?" I asked because it was getting pretty hot despite it being really chilly," Well okay.." she replied as I left to get more beer.




I couldn't stop smiling after we had the late night drinks together, for some reason it felt like he was so comfortable with me and kept using all these remarks that definetly got me blushing and made my heart flutter.



After a few days, it was finally time to start shooting the variety show..they had posted about it on the internet and many people anticipated for it to air soon," Don't you that..use this.." said two ladies who were arguing about which make up I should put on," Let's go with a natural and innocent look after all she is going to shoot for the variety show poster.." one said as the other insisted that I needed to look like the wife of a celebrity so they should put a little more on me.." Excuse me.." I said as they continued arguing," Excuse me.." I said a little loudly as they kept quiet and stared at me," Can I say something..?" I asked," Well the makeup is going on how about you let me decide of how I want it to be put on me.." I asked as they both seemed to agree...I chose to go with the natural look since I wasn't really a fan of heavy make up.

" Well those are you two contracts..they include what you are going to do during the shoot and also the terms and conditions." the lady in charge of the show said as we both passed out eyes through the papers," One more thing..for means of privacy..we chose to use a different house..that way your original location isn't exposed to fans." they added as we both agreed with the idea," One more thing..this shoot is going to take a that month we are going to try and show your fans your happy married will get to engage in different activities dating..or maybe walks at the beach or even cooking together..." she explained, it all seemed quite exciting even for me," Well of you both agree then sign right here." she added as we both stared at each other, gave each other assurance and then sign the papers..." I hope for us to get along together." she added as she gave in her hand for a hand shake, We then did the photo shoot and it all went well, mostly because it gave me a chance to be close to Jiang Hao which made me really happy but I also got more exposed to his shy side as he tried to avoid eye contact most of the made me wonder how he does this with all of his actresses and also models during shooting and endorsement ads.



" iam officially both of yours no one shipper." Alia said as she showed me the photo from the photoshoot earlier," Have they already posted these?" I asked my self as I took a closer look and smiled," Ohhhh you smiling.." she said as she came closer to where I was sitted," Okay let's be sincere with one another..did you fall for Jiang Hao?" she asked as I was taken aback by her question..not just that but I also seemed heart was beating pretty fast too," Huh!" I exclaimed as she smiled," You are.." she replied," What do you mean?" I asked as I searched for a drink to sip on because this conversation was making me feel hot," I don't need to send you a link to some ' Find out if you have a crush on him''ll find it all out for your self.." she replies as she stood up," I should get going.." she added," Right..your highschool reunion is today...that's why you all dressed up." I replied as she smiled and twirled for me," Have fun." I said as she blew a kiss to me and left....she seemed really happy, After she left, I took a more closer look at the pictures and smiled..maybe I had really fallen in love with him...or maybe it was just a type of attraction but he definitely...had found him self a position in my heart...






I hate highschool reunions, i hated how the conversations never really change, it's always about who is doing better than who, who ended up marrying a rich man and who isn't doing better off, who became prettier and and isn't pretty's frustrating but I always go for the food and drinks because despite how much they suck..they always choose the best eating places," So Alia...did you finally get your big break as an actress.." Minyoung asked as she smirked because she clearly knew that she had hit where it hurts most," Or maybe you didn't.." she added as I angrily folded my fist and smiled," Well..good things take time.." I replied as I moved moved my hand to reach out for my phone but ended up hitting a glass, as I worriedly watched it on its way to the ground, someone grabbed it..." You should be more careful." the person said as I raised my eyes to stare at who it was..." Long time no see.." he said as he smiled at me.." Eric!!" I exclaimed, I always knew he worked with Jiang Hao and I had seen some pictures of him together with him but this was the last place I expected to see him especially since he had never come to any of the reunions before but here he is...smiling at me..I sincerely didn't know what to feel in that moment...