" Enjoy." I said to a customer as I slipped her plate of cookies and a cup of coffee on her table," Thank you." she replied as I turned to leave,the cafe had been busy since morning and I had barely got time to rest and since it had calm down a bit now I decided to get my self a cup of coffee too, when I received a call from Jiang Hao," Hello." I said as I cleared my throat," How are you?" he asked as I replied," Well I called you to give you some news." he said as I carefully listened.." Come on say it..the suspense is killing me." I said as he told about being chosen for the role he had been working hard for in the previous week's," Are you serious.." I said as I didn't notice when I hit the cup of coffee and some of that hot coffee poured on my hand," Ouuchhh." i said over the call as I blew over the burn," What's wrong?" he asked.



" Look it's just a small need for an hospital." I said to Jiang Hao who had immediately rushed to my cafe after telling him what happened," You call this hand is bruised." he said as he opened the first aid kit," I'll apply ointment as first aid then we can go to the hospital later to get it checked out." he said as I agreed since I realised I wasn't going to win on this one any way," It's going to sting a bit." he warned me as he slowly applied it on my hand," Tskkk." I exclaimed as he stared at me and then started blowing on it.." How's that?" he asked but I was definitely focussed on him blowing on the wound and not the wound it self," It's okay." I said as he let go of my hand..."Make sure you don't get it wet." he said as he took back the first aid kit..." Excuse me!" called out a customer as I stood up to go work on them," I will." he said as he took off his jacket," Uhhmmm are you forgetting that you are a public figure?" I asked as he smiled," Are you forgetting that this cafe is owned by my wife...I have all rights to help her out." he said as I immediately started blushing..does he have some sort of book where he reads these words," Don't worry about me..I'll work on it." he said as he stepped out and all I could here were giggles from the customers while some were even asking for photos with him and even autographs, More customers kept coming in and he offered to work on them all, while I just assisted him a bit.



" Here.." I said as I handed him a bottle of water," How do you do this everyday?" he asked as he sat down," Well I have never had this many customers ever...I think most of them came because it was you." I explained as he smiled," Well I guess iam your money maker then..make sure you call me again if you want to make alot of cash.." he said as we both burst into laughter," How is your hand doing..?" he asked as he lifted to check on it," It's okay..I'll just apply more ointment at home." I replied," Let's have a drink and dinner together.." I suggested as he quietly stared at me," Well I was supposed to treat you to congratulate you on winning the role." I added," I haven't properly done that." I said as he smiled and stood up.." You can congratulate me at anytime..are you sure you want to go out when you injured?" he asked," It's not that I'll feel really bad if we can't have that dinner tonight." I replied as he finally gave in," So then I'll lock up.." I said as he stopped me," Eric is on his way here...he will help us lock up." he replied," Are you sure it won't be alot of trouble for him?" I asked," It's not...dont worry." he replied " Well then I'll go and pack up." I said as I turned to leave.




There are things I was happily doing for Sang Yi that I don't think I would have done for anyone..and that alone helped me analyse how I felt for her..." You may have a seat." said the waitress as we walked I to this empty restaurant," Thank you." I said as I pulled out a seat for Sang Yi and then proceeded to mine," Did you book the whole thing..?" I asked as I looked around and saw no one," What are you surprised with how rich iam?" she asked as we both laughed," Well I wanted us to have privacy and you don't have to worry..this is owned by my close friend so he had no problem with helping me out." she explained as I paused a bit at the," Did you say he..?" I asked," Yes..he and I went to college together." she replied as I some what felt jealous," Welcome to Feng's barbecue..." said a man as he approached us with a smile," Lu Feng.." Sang Yi called out happily," Lu Feng..." I said angrily under my breath," This must be your husband." Lu Feng said as he offered me a hand shake," iam sorry I couldn't attend your wedding." he said," How many times have I told you that it's okay." Sang Yi replied," I know but I still feel a bit guilty..but iam glad I get to meet your husband.." he said " Iam a huge fan of your series and movies by the way " he added as we shook hands," Iam so glad to here that." I replied as we sat back down," Your meal will be out in a few..for now you can help your selves with some wine." he offered as he turned to leave, I stared back at Sang Yi who couldn't stop smiling the entire time she was talking to him," You two seem pretty close." I said as she turned to me quietly," Does it seem so..well maybe because we were both quite close in college..him,me and Alia were like this squad that did all sorts of crazy things together." she replied and I can't say that's the answer I wanted to hear," Shall we have some wine..?" she asked as I offered her my glass," Is that enough?" she asked as she poured in almost half," It's enough.." I replied," Congratulations on landing your role...I wish nothing but the best for you." she said as she tossed her glass in mine," Cheers.." I said as we tastes the wine," Ohh..this is good.." sh said as she had a little more," Slow down on that." I said as we continued drinking, our food arrived shortly after and as much as I couldn't stand how much Sang Yi smiled around this man..I still couldn't deny that his steak out ranked all that I had tasted in my life before this..." How is it?" Sang Yi asked," It's delicious." I said as we continued having our meal.



" I can't believe you ditched on the company dinner." Ai man said over the call as I explained that I had somewhere important to be," And may I know where that is?" she asked," Iam not telling you.. apologize to the team on my behalf and tell them that I'll be paying for all the drinks tonight." I suggested as I hang up, I walked back to where we were sitted and noticed that Sang Yi had stepped away," She has gone to the washroom." Lu Feng said after noticing that I was looking around for her, he then came and sat down across me," Thank you for dinner tonight." I said," Iam glad you enjoyed it.." he replied as he then stared quietly at me," is there anything else?" I asked," Well there is one thing...I don't know if Sang Yi had rold you but we were pretty close.." he said as I became even more curious to where this conversation was heading," She has.." I replied," Well iam not going to warn you about beating you up of you hurt her feelings or any of that..Iam just going to ask you to take care of her and let her go of you feel like you can't do that anymore...she likes you and I can see don't break her heart." he advised me with a really firm and serious tone in her voice," I will." I replied a bit nervously as he immediately turned his serious look into a smile," Also there's one more thing.." he said as he reached out to his pockets," Can I have your wife and daughter like you so's how I learnt to watch your movies and series too." he said as I smiled and signed my autograph," Thank you.." he said as he left, Sang Yi came back shortly after and we continued with our drinks.



" Can I know why you insisted to walk?" Sang Yi asked as we walked side by side with Eric following us from behind in the car," Well I wanted to take in some fresh air and it's a beautiful night.." I replied as we continued walking..." Thank you so much for tonight.." I said as I stopped and quietly stared at her," I had fun." I added as she smiled at me," It's nothing...I had alot of fun too." she said as I walked towards her," I think iam drunk.." I said," Well you must then be the first person who accepts that they are drunk when they really are.." she said as I carefully watched heart was telling me to grab her in my arms and just kiss her while my brain was telling me to actually think of the consequences of that kiss but who iam I to use my brain that much especially when Iam drunk so I leaned in and kissed her.


