CHAPTER THIRTY EIGHT: Thank you for always being there...

" I understand what you trying to ask of me Mrs Sang yi and I would like to be of help to you's not up to me alone, there are over five investors in this series and there was a 5/6 vote that Jiang Hao should be replaced as the main character....I really can't do anything about it..." Mr Choi explained as I quietly listened..." Iam really sorry I couldn't be of any help." He added as he stood up," It's okay.. thank you for sparing time and talking to me." I replied as I slowly followed him out side," Thank you again." I added as we shook hands..." Have a nice day.." I added as I quietly watched him live....I felt tears gathering in my eyes out of frustration, I knew I wouldn't do much but I still had hope I all felt so unfair..." Sang yi!" Some one called out as I turned and saw Jiang Hao," What is he doing here?" I asked my self as I rushed to wipe my tears and took feel breaths..." What are you doing here?" I asked as I wrapped my hands around him for a hug," Ai man told me you were here do I thought I should pick you up..." he replied as I looked up at him," Did she also tell you that I came here to meet Mr Choi?" I asked as he smiled and nodded," Iam really sorry I didn't tell you...I wanted to do something for you." I said as he smiled and softly flicked mt forehead," That's for hiding this from me....I've punished you so we are even." He said as I hugged him again.



" Why did you do it?" Jiang Hao asked as we walked along a quiet street," Why did you meet up with Mr Choi? " he added as I slowed down my movements," Because it felt unfair...I saw how hard you worked for that spot...I just couldn't let them scrap it away from you..." I replied," Look I know you are trying to be okay...but that alone breaks my heart even more...I want you to share all your genuine feelings with me, when you are with me you can laugh when you feel like laughing, cry when you feel like crying, feel angry when you feel like it...just share all your feelings with me." I replied as he stared at me and smiled..." Thank you..." he said softly.." Why are you thanking me..I wasn't even able to convince him.." I said," Iam thanking you for being the most wonderful person I have met..Iam thanking you for being the most wonderful girlfriend..Iam thanking you for always being there for me, worrying about me, comforting me, caring for me...Iam really glad to have met you Sang yi." he replied with tears in his eyes..." What are you going to make me cry as well." I said as I held out my hands to wipe the years from his eyes.." I love you.." he said.." I love you.." he added even a bit louder.." I LOVE YOU SANG YI." he shouted as he turned back and smiled at me...I was feeling really emotional at the moment my heart was racing and I felt tears just falling from my eyes...who knew some ones words would mean so much...." Come on..lets get home before we freeze to death.." he said as he held my hand gently in his..." Let's put this right here.." he said as he slipped it into the pocket of his coat..." This other hand is pretty cold too." I said as he stopped and stared me.." You could slip it into my chest is pretty warm.." he said before I cringed and slapped his shoulder..." What was that?" I said as we both laughed.." Come here.." he added as he pulled me closer to him.

Among all the nights that I could keep locked up in the most precious parts of my memory...this night had already earned its self a that was not only in my mind but also closest to my heart.




" Why did you insist that I picked you up?" I asked Jiang Lili who was scrolling through her phone.." What's so wrong about a brother picking up his sister..?" I asked," Well there is nothing wrong with that but I was busy with something.." I said," You mean busy doing nothing...." she replied as I turned to her and threatened to flick her forehead," I wanted us to visit mom..and dad." She said," Come to think of it when was the last time we went to see them together.." she added as I quietly listened....." Though I don't think we can go today as planned...i feel like a mess and I would like to meet them when Iam dressed smartly...Let's go together tomorrow...I have alot to report to them." she added with a smile on her face..but I could tell talking about them was painful for her.

The new years eve dinner was ready by the time I and Jiang Lili arrived, we freshened up and joined the rest at the roof top..." I'll sit next to Sang can go and sit with Eric..." Lili said as she pushed my hand off of the chair.." We barely see each other so I want us to bond at each chance we get." she added as I angrily went and say on the other side...Sang yi on the other hand couldn't hold her laughter over our banter.." Okay then..we should start by raising our glasses and tossing to the good memories and experiences we have gained in this year..." Eric said as we all raised our glasses," Cheers!" we all said as we started having our dinner...we ate as we talked and made jokes...looking around it just felt good how today's new years eve was different from the rest I spent at socialite events trying to please the investors by showing off how much I could drink...this felt felt like home.



" It's almost time..." Lili shouted as we all made the count down from 5 seconds to 1 and then shouted HAPPY NEW YEAR..." Happy new year..." Sang yi said with a smile as I leaned in to kiss her but was interrupted by the loud fireworks..." Geez..." I said as we both laughed..." So what is your new years wish.." Sang yi asked as I sighed and stopped to think," Well I would like to enter the other year with you and the next and the next..." I said as she turned and smiled at me," That's our wish...I would like to know there something you want.." she asked," I want to make my acting come back...and I want it to be in a big that no one saw coming.." I said..taking about this I could feel this rush of excitement in my body," And you will..." She said," How do you know....I have already lost my first chance to do so.." I said as she held my face in her palms.." When I say you will then I mean it..." She said she stood up," Well we have more than one reason to celebrate tonight..." she said as everyone turned to look at her...." What's the other reason?" I asked clulessly but it seemed that every one else knew exactly what it was..." Okay what going on...?" I asked again as Ai man walked towards me with an envelope.." Open it." She said as I hesitantly took hold of it and started opening it.." What's with the mystery?!" I said as I pulled out a seemed like a contract one that made my heart race with excitement, I just couldn't believe it...I looked around and every one was happy but no one was as happy as I was..." What is this?" I asked with tears in my eyes," How did this happen?" I added as I sat down and look a look at it again," You all aren't playing games with me..right?!" I asked as I turned to Sang yi.." How did this happen?!" I asked..I had so many questions and felt so many emotions at that moment....


