Volume 3 Chapter 21 : The Raven War 1.

It's been six days since I trained with Firo and unlocked the proper use of my abilities , after we finished our last battle which I eventually took as my first win against her I thanked her wholeheartedly because of her I can fight with all my strength.

Right now am on my bed thinking about the battle I have tomorrow and just then a crow showed up on bedroom window and as I open it has a letter saying 'If you lose tomorrow, prepare to receive a thousand gut punches and a millennium in that jail cell , P.S your master.'

I guess I better not lose or am dead , as I wonder off to sleep , I wake up and drink my favourite dish Firo's blood , lately I've been thinking whether I should drink her blood directly to make me stronger and possess her full abilities so today I asked in an innocent child like manner," My maid if I win the Raven war I want to drink your blood from your neck."

With a red flushed face shown for the first time ,she simply nodded and said in a squeaky voice,"Huh, it's okay young master am already yours so I will accept anything you choose to do with me even if it's an order to die."

I stand up and look at the beautiful purple haired timid maid before me and pinch her cheeks,"Don't you ever think like that."

To think I would ever spout off sentimental garbage like that is deplorable but for some reason I feel attached to her like she's the sister I never had who looks out for me even if it's for my well being , and for that I respect her competent mindset , because it's something that I lost , no I think I never was competent enough to rationalize about how to win , if I had I would have completed the mission for my cause, which is all the more reason to stand up and fight my enemies with everything I've got.

As I have finished my breakfast , I wave to my mother and me and Firo enter the queen's carriage that she had prepared.

Right now as we are riding Firo closes her eyes and puts on an emotionless expression , one that am intrigued by and as I look out I see an absurdly huge stadium that we are about to reach.

As we arrive I see many guards surrounding the entrance and one of them that back when I was in the jail, gut punched me, as soon as they recognize me or was it Firo who's walking behind me , a cold sweat runs down their faces .

I then look at Firo and ask the obvious question,"My maid why are they scared of you??? "

With her eyes still closed for some reason she speaks in a silent voice filled with excitement,"Young master it seems you've got it backwards, they're not looking at me , they are afraid of the aura pouring out of your body , an aura equal to an S rank monster."

I simply smile at the words she has said and she waves good luck to me as I pass the guards shaking in their boots without making direct eye contact as to not create a misunderstanding, as I enter the stadium and look up I see a crowd filled with excited vampires that are dressed as nobles and some look like commoners and as I look at my opponents who are almost filling the stadium, and my body simply fringes with excitement.

They number over 25 to 30 people dressed in white robes with me wearing black only as the odd man out , and the only thought in my mind is ' These vampires also came here for a fight.'