Volume 3 Chapter 24: The Raven War 4.

As I am looking at the vampire Demon who has grown a horn on his head the way he is moving is like a wild beast, - - this guy has lost control of his abilities, right now the odds of winning are unbalanced as we are at a stalemate.


The half Demon throws an upper cut that sends his opponent flying in the air then he grows one wing on its back jumps up and axe kicks him in the gut causing him to land on the ground slithering in pain and then it happened we didn't know - - what was going to befall us.

The black and haired guy a shouted his lungs as he finished casting a spell out he had a crystal in his hand," I summon my allies to come and defeat these Devils."


As he said that the crystal shone brightly around the stadium causing all of us to close our eyes, and when I looked up at Viret, a woman in a cloak is tying her on to the throne with an orb in hand in what looks to be binding magic, she looks paralyzed even the old man is lying on the ground without movement.

Lirisu and that Anna too are standing like as if there time has been frozen it seems this woman went after our man power, as I look at Firo and the blue haired woman they have reached down glaring at the intruders and when I look down over six people in black cloaks covering their faces are looking above us.

As I look at the ground I see a horrific sight of the Demon Vampire's horn pulled out and the wing torn in to several blood spattered pieces and a sword in his chest while he's down with his cold eyes that will never close, he was killed by the black and white haired Vampire, we all soon realize this half demon , half vampire is dead as the aura covering around him perishes and when I looked around half of everyone had fearful expressions while the others had battle eager faces most of them just standing up to prepare for a massacre.

I looked at the battle field with an emotionless expression as I am about to go berserk for someone else I don't even know but I wanted to fight him and for ruining my fun all of should just die but why do I feel so pissed off about this annoying bugs who have destroyed everything I've worked for up until now , I then trail off into deep thought as to handle this situation;

'This person was fooling us and is a traitor, he made a deal with these unknown attackers, but why-- just so he can survive this war, - - - no a disgustingly incompetent Vampire like this should be eradicated, but why do I feel this way, is it because I hate people who act traitorous to what they are doing, it was then I realized - - I hate incompetent people that sell out other people, - - maybe it's because am incompetent too.'

I grit my teeth in and clench my fist as I realize,' I truly hate incompetent people who try and step on the weak just so they can feel better, - - they are truly pitiful and that's why ;

"Who is this monstrous kid," as one of the battle cloaked men ask in an excited tone.

I immediately land on the ground and when the people with cloaks notice me, it was too late.


Since my mind is in disarray I let it all out I immediately punched the white and black haired traitor into the wall as Firo and the blue haired woman lead the attack against the unknown intruders inside the battle arena as some of the vampires in the audience are going after the woman who immobilized Viret and the others.

Right now is the time to fight whoever gets in our way, I grin as I let go of the white and black haired Vampire who looks half dead and is passed out with his body soaked in blood after my attack as I look around for my next opponent happily as I think to myself , 'Time to begin this onslaught.'