Volume 8 Chapter 62 : Nightmarish Dream.

We entered the portal that connected to the castle and when I looked around it was docile so I ran to the throne room with Seraphim in tow because I never wanted her to escape and make another bad decision and I knew she

wasn't going to reveal the monster's location given she's glaring at me angrily. Glare all you want, I said.

When I arrived at the door to the throne room the guards were not even there and I entered looking at the three demons sitted on a table that was besides the throne;

"Carin what's going on and where's Iris and Zophia and where the monsters," she was wearing pure black military uniform and a hat while she was alone in the room with the three Generals sitted at a table wearing black soldier wear too, ~hmmmmm~ I remember they were the ones I met the other time but I simply ignored them and looked at Carin who was sitted and cut to the chase.

"Krelm, where were you Lady Iris and Zophia secretly went to the Raven Kingdom when they heard you escaped," she said it while looking away as if changing the subject and I picked up on her reaction.

"Tell me where the enemies are," I didn't want them to hide the location because of my lost abilities.

"K--Krelm 'Um', Lady Miriel broke out of her room when we heard them outside and and jumped down the wall with her sword and is leading the attack on them while protecting the civilians even though she's a human," she said that like as if she was praising her but;

The generals were looking at me angrily as they started scowling as they spoke in unison ," Who cares about the woman she should be grateful to fight our wars - - she is our livestock that's why we let her out," they all looked like they should be commended for their actions after what they said reminded me of the Guild Master's words...

"You are all simply out livestock and we are your masters," I was powerless but as I looked at the sword Carin had at her waist and walked like a ghost not even hearing my own footsteps;


A clean swipe lopping off their heads as they were sitted blood splattered on my black cloak and white trouser, Carin who was sitted didn't blink like as if she was expecting them to be killed and I asked her;

"Aren't you going to blame me for the crime I just committed," she looked at me like she didn't understand.

"... What do you mean... I was going to kill them eventually on Your Majesty's orders so I needn't worry about these bastards any more," she truly is a devil and so am I.

Seraphim just looked at us after I put her down as brought Carin's face closer to mine as I was going to plant one on her;

" What are you two doing at a time like this," with a flushed face she simply interjected as I was pulling Carin who was on the chair into my embrace ignoring her.

"Krelm what are you doing," while in my hug she didn't resist but asked the question as I was whispering into her ear " Where are the civilians."

She whispered in a low monotone voice as we ignored the girl who was talking about something we couldn't care less about," The soldiers are guarding them in the evacuation centres."

After that I was all but certain of the citizens safety but," I want you to lock her in a room while am gone, don't let her out and I want you to leave it all up to me," she answered in a faint whisper "Yes, Master Krelm."

I looked at Seraphim who had a pouting face after being ignored and patted Carin on the head in an affectionate manner leaving the city to her as I walk towards Seraphim bringing my fist at arms length and;


"You can leave our dream to me - - you don't have to create those monsters anymore because I will end this war," after hearing those words she smiled and like as if being let out of a nightmare, "... I know it's my fault so please kill me whenever you want to vent out your frustrations because--- I am a filthy murderer. "

Those words alone brought out anger in me as I caught the passed out girl who had to decide as I realize - - - we are all the same.

After leaving the passed out Seraphim in Carin's hands I walk out of the room abd run out of the castle and surprisingly they were no guard which surmised that...

"That girl was intending to die in the city," I looked at the castle one more time as I ran across the city without any civilians which eased my mind as I reached the large walls that were close to the castle with the orb in my pocket and then I remembered the way Aros used it because I couldn't jump on top of walls anymore.

And then the beam of light flashed as the portal appeared and as I go through it I see a girl with short white hair and a black dress that looks to be Iris' fending off beings that look to be dead muscular humans.

And as I look at her with one knee on the ground bleeding profusely as I look at the monster standing above her ready to strike at that moment my body just moved;


As I removed my cloak taking off my white coat and covering her body because of the torn dress from fighting as she looked at me with a smile saying, "I knew you'd come - - you damn devil."

She passed out on the ground as I looked at her bleeding body I looked at the monster who was punched into the ground abd the other ones getting ready to attack as the words come out of my mouth like an order without a hint of amusement ;

"All of you are going to get crushed under my feet , so prepare to go extinct."