Who Reads the Tutorial Anyway?

[Quest Generated!]

[Testing your RPG knowledge!]

[Objectives: Complete the tutorial!]

Sion stared at the screen in front of him with curious eyes. He has seen this kind of screen before in the games he played from the BD era, BD standing for Before Downfall.

"So… how does this work…? Do I press a button or something?" Sion furrowed his brows as no response came from the holographic screen in front of him. "So, not a button then. Then, quests?"

Still getting no response, Sion began to scowl.

"Okay, so it isn't quests. Maybe… Journal?" Sion began listing words from the top of his head relating to RPG games he played during his off-time.

"Quest List? Journal List? Activity? Activities? Activity List? What else is there…?" Sion wrinkled his nose as he began to dig deep into his mind about terms that are related to quests.

"Odyssey?" It was only until he said those words that a new screen popped up in his vision.


[Quest: Testing your RPG knowledge]

"Okay… So Odyssey is the command to bring up the quests… This is going to be a pain. No wonder Parmant said this would be a chore." Sion groaned as he closed the window. 'Let's try mental commands this time. Odyssey.'


[Quest: Testing your RPG knowledge]

"Okay, so it works." Sion cupped his chin as he stared at the holographic screen in front of him. 'So, the quest is testing my RPG knowledge. Do I have to call out specific windows until the quest is complete?'

Steadying himself, Sion began reciting words he knew would be used in an RPG game. The System he was gifted with was one of the unforgiving ones in the various books he'd read that survived the Downfall.

No help, no hints, just the user and his wits. This kind of System was bound to make an ordinary man go insane from just the tutorial alone, but Sion? He's a special breed of person.

He's the kind of man who will literally grind for hours just to finish a single task. Whether it be in real life, or in-game during his free time, he would grind.

"Status…" No response. Clicking his tongue, Sion thought deeply about the synonyms for the word System.

"Structure?" The first word out of his mouth prompted a reaction from the System.

Name: Sion Abayan

Age: 23

STR: 1

AGI: 1

INT: 1

Points: 0

'Huh, the bare bones kind, pretty understandable if this is the System I'm working with.' Sion took one glance at his family name and winced.

Sighing, Sion continued on listing down words to try and find some other menus he could access. One was "Archive," his over-simplified inventory.

Simply put, he had a weight limit. Figuring out the specifics was rather easy. He placed a giant boulder he found lying around inside.

He discovered that he could place more items than the weight limit allowed, but if he did, he would begin to feel the strain of carrying said items around. Although he wouldn't get physically harmed, it would drain his stamina just by moving around while hauling around the weight of a giant boulder.

Next was his skills tab, which was opened with the command "Expertise'." Sion had no idea why the commands were like this, but who was he to complain? He's got a skill with limitless potential. What's there to be angry about?

Sure, it might incur some frustration, seeing that the System was vague, incredibly vague, and would require a lot of work to deal with. That said, when was the last time Sion got something that was worth giant diamonds that just fell out of the sky?

None, that's what.


"Still empty, understandable since I just got it." Sion shrugged and recited some more.

Another command he found was "Attribute." It showed another empty holographic screen, save for the title. Closing it, Sion was greeted with the Odyssey tab opening without his consent and playing some slight fanfare in his ears.

[Quest: Testing your RPG knowledge!] (Complete)

[Rewards: 5 Structure Points; +4 to all Structure Points]

[Choose from any of the following:]

[Regular Pistol with 10 mags of ammo]

[Melee Weapon of Choice - Standard Quality]

[Magic Stave]

"Okay, this System does not slack off with its rewards." Sion grinned as he pondered the options given to him. "Pistol is out. As much protection and safety it gives me, ammo is scarce in the wastelands. I don't have magic yet, so the magic stave is out."

With little hesitation, Sion picked the second option. Another holographic screen appeared in front of him, and a list of weapons caught his eye.

[Combat Knife]




[War Axe]


Six options presented themselves to Sion, which got him thinking.

'The "combat knife" is good, but inefficient against the mutated animals. Sword and longsword are also out, since I don't know how to use them. So that leaves only the war axe, spear, and the mace.' Sion hovered his finger above the three options. It took him a few seconds to choose his weapon of choice.

[Mace obtained. Item is automatically deposited in your Archive.]

Sion smiled. Accessing the Archive, Sion grabbed the mace and felt it in his hands. The head had the appearance of a spiked ball. It was attached to a pole the length of my arm, with a handle that was long enough for his two hands to grip.

Giving it a few test swings, Sion nodded, before looking around the vast wasteland and frowning.

"Well… Where the hell do I go now…?"

[Quest generated!]

[Quest: A Wasteland and Me.]

[Objectives: Explore the vast wasteland.]

"… Okay, now I know this is going to suck ass…" Sion sighed, before picking a direction and walking, mace in hand in case somebody or something decides to jump him.




It took him at least an hour of walking to find something interesting in the wasteland. A seemingly ordinary-looking cottage sat lonely on the outskirts, a well standing beside it.

Next to the well, Sion spotted a lone Radite hauling a bucket of water to a nearby cart. Squinting his eyes, he recognized the rabbit features the young Radite female had.

'A Rabbit Radite?' Sion mused as he stood up from his crouched position and approached the cottage.

The rabbit Radite noticed Sion approaching and glared at him with her bright, ruby eyes.

"Who are you?" The girl took a stance as she cautiously watched Sion holding a very dangerous-looking mace.

"Name's Sion, little miss. To be frank, I'm lost and could use some supplies." Sion honestly replied with a bashful smile.

"Then you will find no supplies here. Leave now, before I decide to kick you out myself." The girl threatened Sion with a snarl, causing the man to frown slightly.

"Look, I really need some supplies, and I ain't afraid to do you a couple of favors just so I can get some food and water." Sion sighed before dropping the mace in front of the rabbit Radite. "Please."

The rabbit Radite raised an eyebrow at Sion, taking quick glances at the mace. Groaning out, the girl relaxed herself as she grabbed the mace on the ground and turned around.

"You want some food and water? Help me haul this back to my house then." Sion nodded and followed the girl to the nearby well.