Second Day

Letting Spill rest for a few hours, during which Chen has been conducting experiments on the so-called record, Chen figures out about it a little, possible because of the little spirit assistant.

"Thank you, little one. Because of you, now I have to figure out a little about system existence." At which, inside his mind, that was not the last thing he understood while chatting with the spirit.

He was also able to grasp, the reason behind the cataclysm, which has descended on their world.

The Blue Spirit's name was Billy, which was given by Chen! Since the little one was a boy and the name suited it a lot.

On the other hand, Chen decided to give golden one name Ai, Green one Mi, Brown one Nir, Red one Fon, Black one Lis, and finally Azura one Tsui.

Seemingly none of them object also found the name great, though, Chen felt a little bad, given he gave them the name on a whim.