Multi-cast Fireball and Aelia romantic problem.

After meeting with the new friends he had made, Chen decided to visit the library for the magic spell, he could learn, after all, he knew that, the advantage he had with the unlimited spiritual energy. He can only utilize this power, in collecting as many spells as he can to increase his versatility.

The magician who is able to use different elements of spells can have a variety of attacks and patterns, he could use against the enemy in the battle.

Making it harder for the opponent to judge and break out of the battlezone created, by the spell master. Restricting the moment of the opponent, with binding spells, attacking from the long-range with the help of shooting magic.

Chen started to move to word the library. As he looked at the counter in the library, he greeted the old man sitting silently. He recognized the old man, who was in charge of the library and the caretaker of the forbidden room.