Departure to Journey...

It was the morning, Chen woke up from his slumber, as he recalled his date all three girls. He could not help but grin, even though, he wanted to act tough and cool from the outside, he knew from within his heart.

That he enjoyed, that date a lot more, than he had expected. After all, Aelia, Lena, and Lashara were beautiful, normal people in the institute, could not hope to reach, at all costs.

Dating with three of them, at the same time, did bring him, a lot of jealousy, but he still enjoyed it a lot. Closing his eyes, he walked down of the bed, as he wore the adventurer set of clothes, his sister and others helped in buying.

Given it had many, enchantments inscribe over them, where Lashara helped him buy these, in return for him to provide, the magic weapon needed during the mission.

So yesterday night, he spent 4 hours creating 10 magic bracelet, which has the function of a wand.