Wall and Enemy Army...

"Huh! What happened. Lady- Rose wants us to assemble quickly."

The disturbance in the camp area, caused most of the ladies to wake up from their dream.

While Chen, who was already heading toward Rose camp. Invited others, to go with him toward Rose camp. While explaining the detail, he had heard from the others.

"Okay! I understand lady Rose. I will make sure, for other are prepared. But what, are we going to deal with should be the critical information. We want to have it, as soon as possible."

Chen smiled at Jasmine, who had been assembling the assembled personals. As he looked at the sight, where most of the people had finally calmed down by that. While he sighed, at the efficiency of Jasmine in a situation like this.

He looked at Lashara, as she entered the camp and nodded at Rose, and stood by Chen's side. "What is going on at a time like this..." Was probably the thought of most people, by the time situation calmed down around the area.