Stuart City...

Finally once the group of the Federal Association had reached the Stuart City. Chen and his party member walked out of the carriage.

As they were able to stretch their bodies around, after all, sitting for 4 continuous days was a tiring job.

Since, they needed to reach the city, as quickly as possible for Kenji and Wall's sake. They did not take any rest in between the town throughout their journey to this city.

"Okay! Now then Lashara you should try to contact the healing center. On the other hand, Lena and I will lookout for a hotel. After sending Kenji and Wall to their care, we will be eating inside that hotel."

Chen pointed at the Diner, which seemed to be quite popular, among all the people around that area. While there were cat-ear maids among the staff, which was deadly stuff for men.

Which had attracted the attention of Chen. But he still put on a serious face, when telling Lashara.