Into Silent Wood...

Finally, the time to move to the other dimension came to Chen, who was talking with the guy who had first came to guide him.

The so-called master guy, that was the leader of the current mission was responsible, to send people down to that dimension.

Where the number of enemies they had faced was high, but none of them were able to reach Tier 4 and above power level.

That is why the mission of this one was adopted into the B+ class mission. Also with the planet's size, the amount of mana present, in the air density was quite low...

That is what was making, the master guy a little hesitant, to send out people from his staff. Who does not have any battle skills and experience? Since those guys, only had been working in the closed workshop.

"Hmm! That mean, along with you and me, there is only 5 more staff member. That can fight when it comes to time, also those 5 members are to be teleported at the unknown position than us."