Radiant Knight

Looking at Ordland's tall figure, Chen was sneering inside his heart.

After all, the fight which was about to start was one side beating. Where he will be the one beating the child, which can't even walk properly to him.

After all, what he knew was basic fighting and on top of that, he did not even have any basic fist technique or basic footwork.

Ordland was the first one, who shouted like a barbarian and attacked with its fist, heading toward Chen's head as its robust body pushed every weight to launch this attack.

'Side-Step' Chen's body shook a little where Ordland fist just gazes past Chen's head, whose body continued to further past Chen.

Where the old gramps by the side of Lulu, looked a little astonished about Chen's movement.

He looked extremely relaxed with that move as if he was just strolling in the park.