Boa Mutated Form.

When Lulu walked close to him and spoke to him in a whisper.

'Don't mind, it is not that she dislikes you. But she had developed a wall all around her due to her circumstances. As for what? I hope you can make her talk about it. I don't want to betray my friend even for my husband you know!'

She walked away with a wink, given she was sure that Chen would be able to become Linda's friend if he tries that out.

Chen looked at Lulu and thought about her words, it was clear that.

Linda's mind has some kind of setback in her past due to that, she had been distancing herself from boys in general...

'Hmm! Given her beauty, it is not that hard to imagine huh! But I will see what I can do to help her out Lulu. If that is what you want, though that way she might come to hate me huh!'

Chen smiled at the thought and shook his head, as he planned the way to cure her fear. If he wanted to get rid of it in a natural method.