Starting with a silver sword! !

"Unexpectedly, it can really create bugs!!"

Su Bai raised his wrist in shock and found that the progress bar on his wrist had returned to zero and was slowly increasing.

At this rate, it may take several hours before the next bug can be created.

Putting down his hands, Su Bai opened his backpack.

A row of 10 columns, and a total of 5 rows, a total of 50 grids.

Only the first grid has something, which is a festive red gift bag.

Su Bai thought, and the gift package opened.

Several things jumped out.

First of all, there are 100 silver coins!

It is equivalent to one gold coin, or ten thousand copper coins!

With these, you can buy life potion and energy potion, which can make Su Bai survive better and farm monsters more comfortably in the early stage.

Then, it was a silver sword which you can tell at first glance that it was not ordinary.

A bottle of crystal red potion.

A title.

Su Bai took out the sword and looked at it carefully.

The sword is four feet three inches long, and the blade is smooth and shiny, with fine cloud patterns, and a silver flash.

When he held it, the sword seemed to be breathing, bright and dark.

In this process, the blade gradually became cold, and a faint white mist was absorbed by it.

"Tsk tsk, the grip is nice, it must be a good thing!!"

Su Bai touched the long sword with satisfaction and checked the information.

[Crawling Cloud Sword]

Lvl: 1

Grade: Silver

Category: Weapon

Moisture: 7/100

Attribute: Strength +12/ Intelligence +3

Damage: physical attack +35/ magic attack +8

Special attribute: Water attribute enhancement +7

Special bonus: water attribute attack

Special damage: when attacking, additional 7% water attribute damage

Weapon skills: weeping cloud, cold water

Affix: Rumor has it that this sword was once a cloud in the God Realm. It fell into the mortal world and was cast by a master into a sword.

[Note: This weapon will increase with the player's level, up to LV10. ]

"What nice attributes!"

Su Bai exclaimed and clicked on the details of the Weapon Skill of the Crawling Cloud Sword.

[Weeping Cloud]

Lvl: 1

Cooldown: 60 seconds

Consumption: None

Attribute: For 10 seconds, weapon damage increases by 10%.

Details: Inspires sword power and increases weapon damage for a short time.

Note: This is a weapon skill and cannot be upgraded.

[Cold water]

Lvl: 1

Cooldown: 0 seconds

Consumption: 10 moisture/second

Attributes: When attacking, it will splash icy water vapor, slowing down the enemy's movement speed, attack speed, and magic release speed by 20%.

Details: The Cloud Sword will continuously accumulate moisture. When there is enough moisture, you can activate this skill as you like.

Note: This is a weapon skill and cannot be upgraded.

The quality of this sword is high!

And it also has excellent properties!

The physical attack is simply exploding!

And it also has two amazing equipment skills!

Not to mention, this is a weapon that can grow!

"It's a silver grade! Even if it can only grow to level 10, but this is still silver grade, it's probably no problem for me to use it till level 20!" Su Bai touched the sword and exclaimed.

Silver is very rare! and also very powerful!

Regarding the classification of game equipment, currently, the officials only revealed: ordinary, good, excellent, rare, silver, gold, perfect.

The grades above are not clear, it is estimated that they will not open until the version is updated.

The difficulty of obtaining silver equipment is extremely high!

Generally, only the silver-tier BOSS has a certain chance of dropping it.

But the drop rate…

Not to mention the rare, silver, and above, the drop rate is simply…horrible!

Shaking his head, Su Bai didn't want to think of this and held the sword in his hand happily.

Looking at the bottle of potion in the backpack, he checked its information.

[Liu Wei Bu Yuan Water]

Lvl: 10

Grade: Rare

Category: Consumables

Attributes: Strength+10/ Physique+10/ Intelligence+10/ Spirit+10

Description: After taking it, the character attributes are greatly improved.

Another good thing~

Directly adds 40 points of four-different attributes!

Generally speaking, things with four-different attributes are rare and precious.

These 40 attributes can only be acquired by the players through 8 level-ups.

It's a pity that you need to be level 10 to use it, and Su Bai can only ignore it temporarily.

The last thing to come up with is a title.

[The fastest man in the world]

Seeing the name, Su Bai twitched the corners of his mouth, "What kind of ghost name, I would rather die in a monster's mouth instead of wearing this title."

Still, Su Bai continued to look at it.

[The fastest man in the world]

Lvl: 1

Grade: Silver

Category: Title

Attribute: Strength +15/ Intelligence +15 (Note: 'Intelligence' attribute is not counted for warrior class)

Damage: physical attack +25/ magic attack +25 (note: 'magic attack' attribute is not counted for warrior class)

Blessing: movement speed +10%/ attack speed +10%/ release speed +10%

Trigger attribute: When attacking, there is a 3% probability of increasing the speed of movement, attack, and release by 5%. Lasts 20 seconds, cooldown: 60 seconds

Affix: Who can be faster than me? Ok? Who is there? Who else?!

"Ahem, it seems good!"

After reading it, Su Bai didn't say anything and slapped the title on.

A title animation suddenly appeared on his head. The animation was a super fast man.

Su Bai's complexion remained unchanged, and the title animation was hidden.

After finishing all this, Su Bai opened his panel excitedly and checked his current attributes.

ID: White Night

Lvl: 1

Occupation: Trainee Warrior

Title: The fastest man in the world

Life: 24/ Energy: 40

Strength: 36/ Physique: 8

Damage: Physical Attack 132

Defense: physical defense 8/ magic defense: 4

Skills: Probe, Constant Strike

Equipment: Weeping Cloud Sword

"The three-speeds(movement, attack, release) are not displayed, they are probably hidden attributes…"

Su Bai touched his chin, and after admiring it for a while, he turned off the panel and walked around the Novice Village.

If upon entering the game a task is not received, then it should be triggered by the player himself.

After taking a few steps, Su Bai saw an old granny with a sad face.

The name [Hu Ping Xin Shou Village Chief] is written on the head of the grandmother.

Su Bai's spirit was lifted, the NPC's melancholy expression was simply telling the player: "I have a mission, come on, ask!"

"The village chief grandma, what can I do for help?" Su Bai asked her after he walked to the village chief.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Su Bai felt that the village chief seemed stunned when she saw him.

Of course, the village chief grandmother quickly said eagerly: "Warrior, I need you to collect something for me. Would you like to help?"

After she finished speaking, Su Bai saw a quest information box.

[Collect Coral Snake Gallbladder]

Difficulty: F

Requirements: Collect 10 Coral Snake Gallbladder

Progress: 0/10

Rewards: experience*200, silver coins*1, snakeskin armor top*1


Needless to say!

Su Bai chose to take it immediately, and the village chief grandma smiled and said a few words of thanks!

The difficulty of the quest is divided into- SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F.

F-level tasks are not at all difficult.

Su Bai bid farewell to the village chief and then continued to stroll around, wanting to see if he could take on a few more missions.

He walked to a blacksmith's shop, and a pretty sturdy man, sweating, banged an iron block.

"Uncle Blacksmith, what can I do for you?" Su Bai said hello.

The blacksmith paused for a moment and was also taken aback when he saw Su Bai.