The border of Novice Village






The five bloodthirsty wolves all greeted Su Bai.

However, only -1 forced damage appeared on Su Bai's head.

No more than 5 damage at most.

Sure enough, these little monsters couldn't break Su Bai's defense.

"It's my turn now."

Su Bai smiled faintly, swinging his sword, just to pierce the eye of a bloodthirsty wolf.

-1012 Weakness Crit!

The bloodthirsty wolf's defense is much higher, and the critical strike is just over 1,000.

Draws out the sword and stabs it again!

-1024 Weakness Crit!

Let's do it again.

-1022 Weakness Crit!

-1011 Weakness Crit!

Su Bai didn't dodge at all, standing straight surrounded by the bloodthirsty wolves, standing and attacking, he doesn't need to make great efforts against these weak bloodthirsty wolves.

After killing one, his HP did not even drop to 80%.

Raising his hand to drink a low-level life potion, Su Bai continued to stand still.

-1023 Weakness Crit!

-1013 Weakness Crit!

-1027 Weakness Crit!

Every move of Su Bai would be aimed at the weakness of the bloodthirsty wolf, such as the eyes and abdomen.

The hp of the bloodthirsty wolves dropped extremely fast!


Finally, a bloodthirsty wolf was furious, and his hair stood up, which was an indication of it using Wolf's furry skill.

Su Bai bent lightly and pierced the sword directly through its open jaws.

-2735 Fatal!

Fatal damage exploded on its head, and the remaining health bar was also emptied instantly.




The remaining three bloodthirsty wolves roared one after another, and they all activated their furry skill.

But it didn't work.

Their attacks hit Su Bai but the damage done was no more than 5 points.

Within a minute, these three bloodthirsty wolves were also resolved.

The LV8 monsters give a lot of experience, and Su Bai's experience bar has risen by about 15%.

Dozens of bloodthirsty wolves will be enough to help him level up again.

Picking up more than a dozen copper coins lying on the ground, Su Bai continued to go deeper.

Next, he stopped standing.

Although it's cool to just stand there and beat them, it is necessary to do a lot of practice of block and rebound.

But even so, thanks to strong his defense and attack, Su Bai's monster spawning (Farming) speed was not slow!

After half an hour, after Su Bai killed a bloodthirsty wolf, he released a golden light and leveled up.

Lvl 8

As usual, 5 points of free attributes are all going to strength.

The Crawling cloud Sword was also upgraded.

The strength changed from 35 to 37, the physical attack changed from 143 to 161, and the rest remained the same.

As a result, Su Bai's attack power increased by more than 30!

Satisfied, he stretched his body, took the sword, and continued to move forward.

He didn't want to kill the bloodthirsty wolf anymore.

One is that the experience is reduced, and secondly, it is not difficult and boring to kill them.

As I walked, the surrounding trees gradually became scarce, and no other monsters appeared.

Even birds and insects were gone, it was very quiet.


Su Bai frowned, clenched the sword in his hand, and proceeded carefully.

After dozens of steps, the scene in front of me suddenly became bright.

He came to a border.


As soon as he saw the scene clearly, Su Bai was shocked and took a step back subconsciously.

Three feet away in front of him, there was an incomparably high sandstorm tumbling like a splashing sky and heavy rain.

Being so close to it, the pressure was too strong, so Su Bai retreated in shock.

"It seems that I have reached the border of Novice Village."

After a while, Su Bai calmed down and looked curiously.

Nothing can be seen, only endless yellow sand!

The hurricane whizzed, and the yellow sand rose to a great height!

Like the walls of the world, the world behind the dust was isolated from sight.

Although the grass blades under the feet are a bit yellowish, they are not covered by yellow sand.

It is estimated that there is a barrier here, which isolates the huge sandstorm, and no grain of sand can enter.


Looking at it, Su Bai suddenly heard a long and deep roar!

The sound was thrilling and chilling, it seemed to have the pressure to pierce the soul, making Su Bai's body tremble involuntarily!

After the voice subsided, Su Bai shuddered and recovered.

"This sound effect is quite high-end…"

Su Bai's corners of the mouth twitched, looking at the yellow sand barrier, shook his head, and turned to leave.

Although he was very curious about it, it was evidently a "don't mess around" zone…

It is estimated that if you step into the yellow sand, you will die instantly.

Su Bai returned to the area where coral snakes were infested again, looking for rare-grade coral snakes.

A lot of low-level ordinary coral snakes and elite-grade coral snakes have been refreshed.

But the rare grade coral snake was still not available.

Helpless, Su Bai could only walk to the Dark Forest.

There will be no Coral Snake there, Su Bai is going there to level up.

Skipping the Goblin Territory and the Cat Demon Territory all the way.

Su Bai came to a fiery red forest.

The air in this forest is very hot and dry, there are many strange flowers on which flames are blooming in the stamens.


After stepping into this area, Su Bai heard a deep moo, which should be the sound of a cow.

After taking a few more steps, he saw a tall and fierce bull…head!

He is six or seven meters tall and his muscles are bulging.

Against the huge bull's head, on its shoulder, it carried a huge and heavy-looking Axe.

That hideous face and tall body exudes strong pressure.

[Barbarian Tauren]

Lvl: 10

Category: Ordinary Monster

HP: 20000

Damage: physical attack 576

Skill: Savage Axe

Details: Orc eroded by demonic energy, unconscious, only the hunting instinct remains.

[Savage Axe]

Lvl: 2

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Damage: normal attack *420%

Details: The barbarian Tauren raises the giant Axe in both hands, charges it for 2 seconds, and then chops it down causing huge damage to the target. If it does not hit the target, it will hit the ground, shaking the ground within 3 meters of the barbarian Tauren.

After reading the information, Su Bai's expression was slightly solemn.

The damage of this Tauren is genuinely high.

The HP is also a full 20,000!

There is also that skill, not to mention the horror of its damage, the cooldown is also low only 30 seconds.

"It's will not be an easy fight…"

Su Bai frowned, but after careful observation, he felt relieved.

This Tauren is quite slow, which is probably caused by its unconsciousness.


Su Bai rushed out fiercely, and in the process of running, both of Chuiyunjian's(his sword) two skills were activated.

Used to amplify the attack, and slow down Tauren's reaction and attack speed.

Coming to the Tauren in two steps, 'Constant strike'!

Well, the sword struck at Tauren's calf.

The Tauren is just too tall…


The damage caused made Su Bai's face turn dark.

This is after an increase of 10% in weapons damage, and then a 135% increase in basic attack damage, still it is only in the early 600s…

"The defense is really high…"

Su Bai muttered in his heart and then continued to chop.




Because of the weapon skills slowing effect of "Coldwater", and the Tauren was already dull, Su Bai was able to cut 4 times before the Orc was able to react.


With an angry roar, he grabbed the giant Axe in his hand and struck Su Bai's forehead.

If he is hit this time, needless to say, he will return to the city for free once.

But, for Su Bai, the speed at which the Tauren's giant Axe cuts down was almost the same as a snail moving from his prespective.

How could it hit him?

Su Bai took a leisurely left step and dodged it easily.

He turned around and started hitting the Orc again...