For All Eternity

When Odette finally came to, she noticed that she's gagged and her limbs were tied.

"Oh!! Rise and shine sweetheart! Did you have a nightmare? You don't look so good." said the man who's holding a pocket knife in one hand while the other on Zach's hair. She let out a muffled scream as she started squirming violently the moment everything finally sank in.

"What, you're scared too? Poor girl, oh! Okay, I know! Why don't we play a game? It's gonna be fun I promise." his tone upbeat in contrast with the situation they're currently in. She can feel her tears flowing down her cheeks as she met Zach's eyes. Fear, anxiety, anger, worry… She felt this many emotions as she stared back at him. Like her, he's also gagged and tied. His whole body trembled as he looked at her. Worry, anger, and fear are evident in his eyes as he already had an idea what kind of game they're talking about.

The man slowly removed the cloth tied around his mouth. "P-please… let us go, I… I… W-we promise we won't say a word about it." he pleaded. He felt helpless and pathetic. The lowest of the low as he pleaded for both of their lives over and over again like a broken record. His head is currently a jumbled mess as he can hear Odette whimpering at his side. "P-please, don't kill us."

"Of course, we won't kill you." the man said as he resumed petting him again. "If you don't misbehave, that is." Only then did they notice the two other men preparing a videocam and a recorder.

"Okay! Let's start the game! The rules are simple, you two just have to follow us. If we're satisfied with your performance, we'll reward you. If not, we'll punish you. Do you have any questions?" they trembled at the very thought of following their orders as various worst cases flashed through their heads. 'Are they gonna make us kill each other? What about the punishment? Are they gonna kill us either way?'

The man in front of him and the ones preparing the recorder freed them. But instead of sitting or standing as they are finally free, they curled up even more in a fetal position, still trembling as the man continued to pat him. "Make out with her." The man said.

Zach couldn't believe what he just heard. Stupified and confused, so he stared back at the man.

"I said to make out with her," he repeated but Zach still didn't move and clearly, the man is not happy with that. "So you want punishment then, huh?"

"N-no! Not this, please. Not like this." he pleaded as he shook his head, tears started to well up to his eyes again. But all of it went deaf ears. "Hmm… Okay, if you don't want to do that then cut her left thumb."

A pocket knife then landed in front of his face. The man behind Odette started to get impatient so he bent her left thumb backward forcefully it dislocated, and she screamed. Zach wanted to deny what he witnessed. 'If this is a nightmare please wake me up already, anyone, please!! I don't like it anymore I'm going crazy. Please!' he heard another scream from Odette as her left index finger snapped. "STOP! PLEASE STOP IT ALREADY! I… I beg you. I'll do it. Please."

At that moment, the men went backward staying out of the videocam. They didn't say anything as if

anticipating what's about to come. Zach slowly went to Odette's side. He checked her fingers only to find the terrible state they're currently in. He hugged her. Saying sorry all over again even if he's also a victim.

He's angry at the situation they're in. Afraid of the worst that's about to come for he knew, that if they didn't please or satisfy them, they'll do something. Something that might kill them.

But instead of hearing her answer, all he could hear were her whimpers. While still hugging her, he kissed her forehead as if trying to console her. 'I'm here, you're not alone. We'll make it out of here somehow. Help is coming soon, so just hold on for a bit longer.' is what he is trying to tell her. He kissed her eyes that has already become swollen from crying.

He wanted to stop, he felt disgusted with himself. He didn't want to do this. If ever they made it out alive somehow, he didn't know how to face her anymore. 'Fuck!! I still wanted to marry you, Odette. Have kids with you. Watch them grow together. Take you to many beautiful places you've never been to. Grow old together.'


They didn't know how many days had passed already. They no longer protest and just let them have their ways in them as they were both assaulted every time repeatedly. For days, they experienced hell. Missing some of their toes and fingers, some were dislocated. Whip marks can be seen all over their body mixed with dried blood. They look lifeless like broken dolls. 'Just kill me already.' they repeatedly chanted inside their head.

As they lie on the floor buck naked, waiting for another hell to come. It's silly how they happen to think of the same thing at the same time. 'If only we could turn back time. If we could get out of here somehow. I'll see to it that they'll experience hell tenfolds for all eternity.'