Try Not Dying Midway [r18]

The very last thing they wanted to do at this moment is to stop in their tracks to catch their breaths. All they could ever think of is to run. Charge ahead at full speed to wherever their feet will bring them as the two bulky security guards are giving them a chase. Turning their heads to their pursuers every now and then but no matter how they look at it, the security guards look twice as big as they are now in their eyes.

It was clear as day that it was only a matter of time before they could catch up. They have longer endurance and their legs were stronger, not to mention longer.

Not bothering to check the traffic light, together they crossed the road. They weren't really sure about what happened. But everything went into a slow-motion as they felt their vision turn violently as if they're inside a blender. Followed by excruciating pain. So it seems that they got hit by a metallic silver minivan. Feeling that their consciousness flickering, they attempted to sit only to be assaulted by a stabbing pain all over their body. The minivan didn't even bother to stop as if they didn't hit anyone in the first place. While what's in front of them were the three shadowy figures. Hovering and the fog-like substance that surrounds them danced ecstatically.

Either they were mocking them or delighted for their misfortune. They're not sure and that's the least of their concern as their vision slowly turned dimmer and dimmer till everything turned black.

Only to open their eyes at the very same apartment they've woken up with on their first regression. But unlike the first time, they were no longer disoriented. Nor were they haunted by their distant memories. They were aware that they already died twice. If anything, the three shadowy figures which only appeared at the clinic stayed with them since they opened their eyes. It would follow them wherever they go but would not hurt them. But this is a story for another time.

Obviously, they died during the second regression too but they lasted a little longer. Currently on their third loop. At exactly 8:00 am, Odette snapped her eyes open as they darted around the room. Her small yet pointy nose scrunched up a bit before her thin lips turned into a toothy grin.

A few moments later, you can hear her laughing maniacally as she sat on her bed. The sound of her laughter and her penguin alarm clocks blended somehow, giving her apartment an eerie feel. "So we're back again, huh?" she muttered to no one in particular. She turned to her side to look at her new companions, "Yo! We met again! But you're still faceless! Anyway, enjoy your time hovering mindlessly, we'll be hunting you this time."

Her phone rang not long after that, seeing that the screen flashed [Zach🤍🤍], she didn't think twice about pressing the accept button. Bringing the phone to her ears only to hear the voice that she was anticipating on hearing the moment she woke up.

"Are you back, my love?" hearing his husky voice, she noticed that something is different with Zach this time. You can feel the excitement, enthusiasm, and resentment in his voice. For reasons unknown, it may sound creepy with the other listeners but to Odette, it sounded rather… sexy.

"You bet!!" Gathering her coal-black hair to one side, she went back to lying to bed.

"Then, welcome back, my love. Can you let your lover stay over at your place tonight?"

"Let's just live together, shall we?" she can hear him chuckling on the other side of the phone seemingly amused by the idea. "Oh! Odette! I'll happily oblige!"

Later that very day, Zach arrived at her apartment bringing all his belongings. Excitedly, he launched himself onto her, locking her within his arms. She hugged him back with the same intensity, "Welcome back, Zach!"

As Odette's coffee-scented perfume wafted into his nose, a realization hit him 'We're really alive.'


After informing the landlord about Zach, the first thing they did was to recall the events that had occurred in the distant past. Since they went back two years prior to the murder, they also had to remember the things that might happen before that. It's obvious that they won't be able to remember everything, in fact, their memories of the people they met in their past lives were kind of vague.

"So my love, what do you plan on doing this time?"

"Nothing, if possible I'd like us to be happy this time. But you see Zach, it would seem that we really can't get away with this sh*tty situation as long as those three faceless b*stards are still on the loose. Let's end this, hmm?"

"Oh! You seem to have become gutsy after dying twice my love. But hmm… I kind of like the idea, let's end it here, and let's try not dying midway this time." It earned a burst of hearty laughter from Odette. "Sure my love. Let's not die midway. And you see them?" she sweep her index finger at the three figures at the corner of the room, "Let's ditch them sometime in the future, shall we? I hate it that they're invading our privacy."

"They're getting on my nerves too my love. But let's think of just us tonight, hmm?" He then sat her on his lap and kissed her, slightly biting her smooth creamy white neck and sucking it. And every time he does that, she would flinch. Soon, he began fondling on her erect mound sending waves of sensation throughout her body, further arousing her.

"Just think of me alone, hmm? Odette?" He whispered in her ear, his pheromone-laced voice hoarse from lust. She tried responding but what came out of her mouth was a moan instead as he slid his hand into her nether region and began massaging the clit with his thumb.

"Wait!! Za—ahh!! Hmpp!!" He blocked her mouth with a kiss, sucking her lips erotically like there's no tomorrow. She moaned, becoming more and more breathless as he picked up his pace, and he felt his 'son' become excited. Odette heard him groan along with something hard that's poking her thigh.

He rid her of her tee-shirt revealing her erect mound as she was not wearing anything under it. Licking his lips, he brought his mouth towards her chest and sucked it salaciously. Her chest felt so smooth, so creamy like whipped cream, giving the impression that it would melt in his mouth making him crave for more.