This is what you told me, he has something on?

Her voice was still hoarse from the fever, and it sounded weak and worn out.

"It's a man with the surname Lu," the nurse said with a smile.

It was Lu Zhui.

Ning Qing couldn't explain the emotion in her heart. Her eyes looked down and fell on the White quilt.

Lu Zhui had just returned with breakfast.

"Young Madam, you're awake."

Ning Qing nodded at him, her eyes moving back a little before she looked away.

The nurse placed the small table on the bed. Lu Zhui took out the breakfast and opened the lids one by one.

There was lean meat porridge with vegetables, crystal dumplings, and soup dumplings. It was not a lot, but it looked very delicious.

"Please eat something to fill your stomach first. I'll call the doctor over."

"Alright," he said.

Lu Zhui left the ward, leaving the nurse and her behind.

Ning Qing picked up her chopsticks and glanced at the nurse. She could not help but ask, " did anyone else come last night? "