I thought Mrs. Nian had already reached the point of using the ruse of self-injury (1:

The morning light was a little dim.

The cool light pierced through the clouds and spilled on the ground. The treetops on both sides of the road also hung Velvet Light. There were some drops of water on the green branches, which were as bright as pearls.

In the study of yunhuang No. 1, the light was not very bright, and the air was filled with smoke. On the large study table, the transparent ashtray was full of cigarette butts.

When Lu Zhui pushed the door open and entered, he almost vomited from the smoke.

"Young master, I've already sent out the message," he said to the statue-like man sitting in front of him, holding back his nausea.


The man's voice was hoarse when he replied. It was obvious that he had been through a night of tobacco poisoning to have such a voice.

: What about young Madam: "Lu Zhui couldn't help but ask: