Why is it that none of my children are worthy of your attention?

He knew very well what his son was like.

The Nian family was a big family. Who would dare to make up such rumors to defame him?

The only possibility was that he had tacitly agreed to it!

Otherwise, he would be the one who deliberately teased her.

"It's not a rumor,"

Before Nian Junting could think further, Nian lie said calmly, "

"I don't intend to hide it from you and mother. This is true."


A blue and white porcelain teacup came crashing down, hitting Nian lie's brow.

In less than three seconds, blood gushed out like spring water, flowing down his prominent eyebrows, sliding over his eyelids, staining his eyelashes, and even flowing into his eyes.

"Luan 'er!"

The woman screamed, her usual gentleness and calmness completely gone.

Song Wan rushed over. She was at a loss and did not know what to do.

"Does it hurt? why is there so much blood? Oh my God, what is this for?"