Brother Sichen, are you hiding something from me?

The bright living room was next to the spacious balcony. The huge glass window reflected the scenery outside, and the gradually setting sun was beautiful.

The dining table was steaming hot.

Yan Sichen and ning Qing spoke to each other from time to time, and the only sound that could be heard was the clattering of bowls and chopsticks.

"What do you plan to do tomorrow?"

Yan Sichen asked casually.

Ning Qing thought for a moment. I want to take a walk around the neighborhood.

She had been here for so many days, but she had never gone out except to buy groceries.

"Why don't we go for a run tomorrow morning and take: look at the surroundings?" Yan Sichen suggested:

Ning Qing pushed at the food in her bowl and refused, "

I don't think so, brother Si Chen. You know that I've never been good at sports since I was young.

The light above poured down. She tilted her head, her expression gentle, and her eyes were sparkling.