No matter what, she won't be happy


Nian lie was neatly dressed. Before he left, he turned around and glanced at the woman on the bed.

In the dark, her face was red, and her wet hair was stuck to the side of her face, making her look indescribably moving.

However, from the beginning to the end, her brows were tightly furrowed, and she bit her lips tightly. Her pained and sinking entangled posture almost made him lose control of himself and he almost wanted to tell her everything.

However, it was impossible.

His dark eyes were even darker than the summer night sky.

He leaned forward and kissed her soft lips.

He had already been ravaged beyond recognition.

He left after a touch, without stopping at all.

He stepped out of the door and saw Lu Zhui waiting at the stairs, including the nurse on night duty.

Nian lie glanced at her, his expression indifferent.

"I'm sorry. My wife is throwing a tantrum at me and refuses to see me. That's why I can only come at this time."