No one is more like her than you (1:

Countless questions took root in her mind and fermented.

The clothes in her hands fell to the ground, but she did not care. She clutched the necklace tightly and rushed out of the master bedroom.


In the car, ning Qing's heart was tormented.

No matter how hard she thought about it, she could not understand how the necklace that had disappeared for a few years would appear in such a way!

However, she had completely forgotten everything that had happened after she turned eighteen.

As for the necklace, she had overheard her parents 'conversation and found out that father ning had prepared an adult gift for her in advance.

She couldn't hold back her curiosity and sneaked into her parents 'room. She rummaged through the cabinets and found it.

Because she liked it too much, she didn't want to put it back, so she begged father ning to give it to her in advance.

Ever since then, she had been wearing it around her neck.