Don't hurt my child (1)


A bone-piercing chill ran down his spine.

Her parents 'abnormal behavior, her occasional vomiting and sleepiness, and Nian Che's unintentional words to her ...

She was actually pregnant!

But no, everything was wrong.

When did this child come? he was stunned.

Ning Qing's thoughts were in a complete mess, and she felt drowsy.

She lay on the cold table, facing the glaring surgical light. A scene flashed through her mind.

Struggling, crying, begging

Her head started to hurt, as if it was going to explode.

The doctor saw that she was in a daze and started crying.

"Don't worry, the surgery will be quick. You'll be fine after some sleep," he comforted her in a low voice.

All the strength in ning Qing's body faded. She turned her eyes to the woman.

In her mind, the doctor's cold and emotionless expression overlapped with the person in front of her.

As if she was possessed, she cried and stopped him.