She left the child behind (1:

He asked despite knowing the answer.

Ning Qing clenched her fists and did not answer him.

He stopped asking.

The two of them maintained this strange way of getting along as they ate dinner.

After the meal, Nian lie said, " I'm not done with work. he went to the study room without looking back.

Ning Qing recalled what Nian che had said about him being stripped of his power, and her emotions became indescribable.

But she didn't say anything. She went back to her room, washed up, and lay in bed.

At ten O 'clock in the evening, Nian Yu returned to the bedroom.

The bedside lamp was on, and the dim yellow light shone on the woman's side profile, making her look gentle and peaceful.

She had fallen asleep.

It was done in an extremely uncomfortable position.


Nian lie walked closer, his dark eyes looking down.

It fell on the book that she was holding.

The title of the book was the Encyclopedia of gestating.