Don't dream of everything that doesn't belong to you anymore (1:

"But Yingluo"

"Get out!"

Nian che looked at his brother and father, who were like fire and water. He couldn't get a word in and could only follow Lu Zhui's lead.

As soon as the door closed, the roar shook the sky.

Nian lie, How dare you!?

How could he take away his power behind his back?

Nian lie looked at his furious face and did not say a word.

Nian Junting slammed the table and pressed his hand on the document. you're my good son. What do you want to do with the Nian Corporation? "

nothing, " Nian lie replied coldly.


He stared at the man, the light in his eyes rising and falling.

"You're getting old, it's better for you to go back to the old mansion and spend the rest of your life with your mother."

"You bastard!"

The documents were thrown at Nian Junting's face. He was so angry that he couldn't even stand straight, and his face was twisted.