: strange woman saved her (1:


Another day passed by in a daze.

The sun rose and set, and the night was dark and silent.

The woman on the ground did not show any signs of life until her stomach growled.

She hadn't eaten all day, and the person who usually brought her food didn't come.

Ning Qing struggled to get up, her head spinning.

Other than the sound of the wind, there was also the faint chirping of insects outside the door.


The child

She wanted a child.

Ning Qing walked to the door, and the originally locked door opened with a pull.

It was already the dead of winter outside.

The cold wind was bone-chilling.

Ning Qing didn't have time to appreciate the scenery around her. She looked around and rushed into the courtyard.

Her heart was beating fast, and the anxiety and anxiety of being found out burned in her heart.

The courtyard was not big.

The people who would usually stand guard were no longer there.