You only have: chance if you're alive _1

Tina walked toward her step by step, and her bare face exuded an icy coldness that made it impossible for her to approach her.

live well. Only by living will you have a chance.

"What chance?"

a chance to make those who hurt you and let you down feel so much pain that they wish they were dead and regret their actions.

Ning Qing was shocked by her answer and could not say a word for a long time.

"Are you willing to do so?" Tina asked:


they hurt your children, hurt your body, and even made you lose the courage to live, but they still live so well and so freely. They will not regret what they did to you. Even if you really become a ghost, they will not be afraid of you.


The woman's face was pale, and her eyes were dull. There was no color in her black eyes.

Tina rubbed her messy long hair. She knew that she had been a little too agitated, so she adjusted her breathing.