I'm Qing Qing, I'm back

Ning Qing pulled Yan Sichen into the car with a complicated expression.

"Qingqing, are you alright?" Yan Sichen asked worriedly.

Ning Qing took a deep breath and shook her head. I'm fine.

She looked at him. thank you for coming in time.

Otherwise, if she continued to face him, she was afraid that she would not be able to hold back the hatred in her heart and expose everything.

Yan Sichen looked at her with eyes full of love.

He really wanted to hold her in his arms at this moment, but he was afraid of scaring her.

Qingqing, there are many things that you don't have to shoulder on your own. If you want to do something, just tell me. I will help you.

Ning Qing was very grateful to him, but she could not drag anyone down with her on this path of revenge.

"Brother Sichen, thank you, but there are some things I want to do by myself."
