Isn't there one sitting next to you?

Ning Qing and Nian lie's expressions changed when they heard that.

Ning Qing felt embarrassed. grandfather, he's not my husband.

The old man first looked at ning Qing, then at Nian lie, whose expression did not change much. He understood and said, " Oh, I understand.

Ning Qing narrowed her eyes at him. what do you know? "

The old master leaned forward. His voice was neither loud nor soft, and everyone heard him. did you two quarrel? "

Ning Qing's face turned red. no, I really have nothing to do with him!

The old man waved his hand to show that he understood. I know, I know! But this man is a good man. When I saw you two in the ravine, he was hugging you tightly. It took me a long time to pull his arm away, and it was so tiring for this old bone of mine!"

Ning Qing gritted her teeth, feeling a little upset. thank you for your hard work. Thank you for saving me, grandfather.