The warm blood splattered on her face (slightly abused)_1

The sound of the wind suddenly became very loud, as if to cover up the sound of sorrow.

Ning Qing held the handle of the short knife in her hand, her eyes filled with extreme sadness and viciousness.

The sharp end of the knife was buried in the man's shoulder.

Blood flowed down, dyeing the fabric even deeper.

The veins on Nian Xi's forehead popped, and he clenched his jaw tightly. The light in his eyes shattered, gathered, and shattered again, and so on.

Ning Qing's thoughts were in a complete mess. She just wanted to vent all her anger and hatred that she had been holding back for a long time.

However, when she realized that she had actually hit him, her mind went blank ...

Her eyelashes trembled fiercely, like a tree branch shaking off snowflakes.

"Nian lie, I dare to do anything."

Her voice was hoarse, but it was clear in the night.
