You're so cruel!_1

"I know, I know, don't say anymore." He put his hand on her shoulder and leaned closer to her face. you're so long-winded all the time. Only I can stand you!

Ning Qing's face turned red as he held her by the neck. let go of me!

"I won't."

She raised her foot and stepped on the back of his foot. It hurt so much that he immediately let go.

"Yingluo, you're so cruel!" Gu nanzhi hugged her feet and scolded.

Ning Qing clapped her hands. you're still too young to fight me.

With that, she turned around and walked back.

"Hey, why didn't you wait for me!"

The woman raised her hand above her head and bowed elegantly.

Gu nanzhi was in so much pain that her facial features were tightly clenched. Seeing that she had walked away, she slowly relaxed and looked at her disappearing figure with a serious expression.

This woman was really stubborn.

She didn't believe him when he told her that he didn't come back for her.