
As he spoke, his hand caressed her slender waist.

"Are you not tired?" ning Qing asked.

He buried his head in silence, planning to use his body to tell her if he was tired.

Ning Qing couldn't resist and could only be half-forced to lose herself in his overbearingness.

After that, she was so tired that she couldn't even open her eyes.

Nian lie was half-leaning against the head of the bed. His half-naked chest was strong and muscular, his well-defined face was resolute, and his black eyes carried a hint of intoxication after his passion. He held a cigarette between one of his fingers and took a puff from time to time.

Ning Qing sniffed the cigarette and forced herself to wake up.

She moved a little, but it was so sore that she couldn't even turn over.

Nian Xi turned and kissed her on the forehead. you're so tired.