Let me be with him (1:

She lowered her hands slowly and glared at Nian lie with hatred. After she sensed his anxiety, all her grief and anger turned into hatred.

ning Qing, what happened six years ago was not that simple. Your sister's death was not your fault.

Nian Jin panicked. Auntie, don't whine.

"It's him!"

Mother ning's voice became shrill.

it was Hanyu who drove you to see him for you. That's why the car accident happened. You were still pregnant with his Hanhan at that time.


"Shut up!"

Father ning and Nian lie spoke at the same time, stopping mother ning from continuing.

Father ning grabbed her arm. the child is here. Don't say anything more!

Mother ning's entire body trembled, and the woman who had always been easy-going became aggressive.