What I want is for you to let me down _1

She broke free of his hand and drooped to the sides of her body, trying to leave.

"I came back to tell you something," Nian lie suddenly said.

Ning Qing stopped in her tracks. She did not respond, as if she had not recovered from her shock.

I've invited two people to our wedding, " Nian lie said with his thin lips. they'll be our witnesses.

Ning Qing was stunned. it's ran ran.

In fact, she had a vague answer in her heart.

When she saw the certainty in his eyes, ning Qing's heart skipped a beat, and she almost lost control of her expression.

Fortunately, she moved her eyes away in time and did not reveal her panic.

"Did you go to luoxia Valley to invite your grandfather and mother-in-law?" she asked, holding back her trembling.

Nian lie's expression was dark, and his eyes were misty.