An unexpected person came (1:

He headquarters in the United States.

Gu nanzhi looked at the woman walking in front of her and pretended to test her,'she called you? Did you really succeed in escaping the marriage?"

Tina walked into the elevator with an expressionless face.

The elevator door closed. Gu nanzhi was not serious. tell me, don't be so petty.

Tina shot an icy glare at him. don't you know if she succeeded or not? "

Gu nanzhi raised her eyebrows, finding her words funny. I've been following you around every day. How would I know what's going on with her? "

Tina remained unmoved by his frivolous words. young master Gu, you already have as many people as a security team in the country. Why would you need me to help you? "

Gu nanzhi choked. Her face turned red. woman, can you not be so sarcastic when you speak? "

"You're not honest enough."

Tina retorted with her chin raised in an ice-cold manner.

"Admitting that you like her won't affect my evaluation of you."