Preparing for the National League (1:

Lou qingyue's back was facing her. Her twisted face gradually recovered and was replaced with a beautiful smile.

"I was wondering who it was. So it's you, sister. You came so quickly. Are you here to welcome me?"

Even though she said that, she did not turn around, as if she looked down on the woman behind her.

Lou SI's face was expressionless as she stared at mo tiange's back.

Lou qingyue was used to being ignored by her and answered her question.

this person was rude to me. I could tell that my sister had neglected her discipline, so I taught him a few words on your behalf.

Lou SI's gaze slowly lowered and landed on mo tiange's calf.

it's my business whether I've neglected my discipline. It's up to me to decide. You overstepped your authority and punished my people. Haven't you been abroad enough? "

Lou qingyue's beautiful eyes glared at her. Lou si, you're teasing me.