He rushed into the building to save you

Uncle Wu looked at her miserable state. are you alright? "

Ning Qing came back to her senses. I'm fine. It's just a minor injury.

"Girls can't have wounds. Go with them to the hospital. I'll take care of the rest and give you an explanation." Uncle Wu said in a serious tone.

Ning Qing pursed her lips. there's no need for that.

"We must go!" Uncle Wu said sternly.


"Someone, bring miss ning to the hospital."


Ning Qing had no choice but to follow.

When they arrived at the hospital, Nian lie was sent to the emergency room. He was quickly wheeled into the operating room.

There were many wounds of different sizes on ning Qing's body, but none of them were serious. The only wound that needed two stitches was on her left arm.

It only took about ten minutes for her wound to be treated.

After hesitating for a while, she found the servant who came with her and took her to the door of the operating room.