I've forgotten about my sister after getting a wife (1:

"I didn't do it on purpose. You were the one who hugged me first!" Ning Qing blurted out as her face heated up:

Nian lie's face darkened. if you want me dead, you don't have to find an excuse.

Ning Qing wanted to explain, but the man closed his eyes. His pale face seemed to be complaining about her rudeness.


She gritted her teeth and swallowed her grievances.

Just then, Ruan Yi returned.

Feeling the tense atmosphere between the two, she almost subconsciously asked, " you bullied her again. fortunately, she controlled herself in time.

She pretended to be aloof as she glanced at ning Qing. Then, she rushed to Nian lie and asked worriedly, " what's wrong? why do you look so pale? should I call the doctor? "

"There's no need," Nian lie said weakly, not opening his eyes.

Ruan Yi cursed him in her heart, " your acting is really good. she looked at ning Qing with an unfriendly gaze.

"Did you make him angry?" she asked.