I'm her hubby (1:

After Nian lie washed his hands, he left the bathroom.

Looking around, ning Qing was nowhere to be seen.

He thought to himself,"could this woman be hiding out of shyness?"

A vibrating sound came from the sofa.

Nian lie turned his wheelchair over and saw that it was ning Qing's phone.

He looked at her a few more times and called out to her, but she didn't respond.

The phone was still vibrating. The person on the other end seemed very determined and urgent.

The note was "Xiao Chen," but he couldn't tell who he was.

In the end, Nian lie answered the call.

However, before he could say anything, the woman on the other end was extremely anxious. it's not good, miss ning. Mr. Shen has disappeared!

Mr. Shen?

Mr. Shen? " hearing the unfamiliar name, Nian Yu frowned subconsciously. who is Mr. Shen? " he asked in a deep voice.