He was willing to give her time_1

: What's the point of telling you?: ning Qing asked: covering her chest.

After she finished speaking, she seemed to have understood something and her face instantly turned red.

However, this good-looking man was meticulous. His handsome face was full of seriousness. let me help you.

A man who could strategize in the business world and at the negotiation table, a man who was successful in every endeavor, and a pair of hands that were only used to sign contracts worth tens of millions, was going to help her shower?

Thinking of that scene, ning Qing's back felt itchy.

She didn't think of herself as a woman who indulged in lust, and she wouldn't be driven by desire.

But now, as she listened to his unconcealed words, she had a kind of sinful and dirty thought!

Ning Qing, you're really crazy!

She lowered her head and her face was burning. I can take care of myself. You don't have to worry about me.