Older sister (1:

It was Tina.

She stood there alone, her beautiful face expressionless, but her gentle and beautiful eyes were filled with a myriad of emotions. They were watery and exaggeratedly bright.

Sadness, unwillingness, grief, regret, and sorrow.

Ning Qing was stunned.

She looked at her coldly and turned to leave.


Ning Qing rushed forward and grabbed her hand.

"Don't go! I have something to ask you!"

"Let go."

The two cold words were even colder than the cold wind.

Ning Qing held her wrist tightly and suppressed her voice. I have something to ask you. You can go anywhere you want after you answer me.

The woman's back was still facing her, and she held her hand, refusing to let go.

Ning Qing took a deep breath to calm herself down.

I know. You were the one who saved me in the hospital.
